Making big changes with small strides since 1977.
Formally established in 1996 as a 501(c)3 and located in the Roaring Fork Valley, AspenOUT, also known as the Roaring Fork Gay & Lesbian Community Fund, provides support and services to the diverse LGBTQ+ population of the valley. We are best known for our large fundraising event in January, Aspen Gay Ski Week (AGSW), celebrating its 48th Anniversary in 2025.
How You Can Get Involved
Text or Call 970-236-6504 for more info or Contact Us to get more involved.
Volunteer Program
Volunteer with us during AGSW or throughout the year. Send us a text to the number above or contact us via our online form for more info.
Sponsor Program
Learn how you can become a sponsor of AspenOUT today! We’ve got some amazing opportunities to get your name in front of an incredible LGBTQ+ demographic.
Charity Fund
AspenOUT has a grant season, but is known to give year round to causes that align with our mission. Help us continue our gifts by donating today!
What We Do
The Roaring Fork Gay and Lesbian Fund pride itself on giving financial support to many local, regional, and national charities that support our mission. Every January & February, we take funding proposals for the current year. Organizations interested in becoming beneficiaries of the Roaring Fork Gay and Lesbian Community Fund must completea proposal outlining their organization, requested funding amount, a brochure,fact sheet, or website on the organizationor project, and a simple operating budget. RFGLCF does not fund agencies, projects,or organizations that do work outside of Colorado unless they have a national scope.
Our Story
Established as the Aspen Gay and Lesbian Community Fund (AGLCF), the organization grew with only one staff member and a Board of Directors to help maximize the profit for charity, anchored by Gay Ski Week as a grassroots fundraiser. While the RFGLCF/AspenOUT is best known for producing Aspen Gay Ski Week, we strive to support the development of a strong local Gay, Lesbian, Bi, and Transgender community with programs and initiatives including: The Glenwood Springs Soak, The Art Base Partnership, CP Burger Youth Event, Carbondale Pride, Affirming Voices, and many more! We invite you to become a part of AspenOUT, whether as a visitor, part-time resident, or full-time local!

Leadership and Scholarship Program
AspenOUT will accept applications from Juniors and Seniors from Aspen, Basalt, Roaring Fork, Colorado Rocky Mountain School, and Glenwood High Schools. Applicants must be involved in their school’s GSA Club (or Diversity Equity and Inclusion Club or similar if no GSA Club exists).
AspenOUT will select one applicant from each school to participate in the Program. Selection will be based on past involvement in their GSA club and/or past efforts to promote inclusivity, compassion, and LGBTQ rights. As GSA Clubs are composed of LGBTQ+ and allied youth, identifying as LGBTQ+ is not part of the selection process.
Sign Up To Our Email List
Get involved and get information on how to join our monthly events.

We’ve Raised A Large Amount For The LGBTQ+ Community
We’re proud to be a small grassroots campaign that has raised over $1M to give back to the LGBTQ+ Community. We look forward to continuing our philanthropic efforts and connecting with your local non-profit to bring mental health and diversity training to your city.

Get in Touch. Get Involved.
We are always looking for new volunteers, future board members, and more. Let us know how you’d like to be involved with AspenOUT.